Lapane: Crime
In the Desert of Lapane, crime is judged by the High Hydro Priest. The Hydro Priest spreads the word of water, what the people of the Desert worship. Because there is so little water, it has become so important to their society it evolved into a religion. The highest crime that can be committed is disrespecting the water. Spitting in, spilling, or sneezing in the supply is punishable by death. After they are executed, their blood is spread among citizens as a reminder of what happens when you break the laws. Attempting to reproduce without prior approval is also high on the list of punishable offenses. Desert citizens must ask for authorization to reproduce. This helps keep the population down and resources less scarce. If caught breaking this rule, their genitals will be mutilated in order to stop further instances. Stealing and murder are held to the same severity. Punishment could range from loss of resource privilege for a week to exile, but never execution. If citizens s...